If you are looking for an immediate increase in your website
traffic, and you don't want to shell out a lot of money for
pay-per-click search engines, I'll let you in on a secret
that has helped me make many sales and build large lists
very quickly with zero cash up-front: it's called "OPT"
(Other People's Traffic).
Other website operators have the targeted website visitors
you need right now - you just have to convince them to
funnel some of it your way. Your mission is to find people
who can refer you their traffic either for a percentage of
the sale, a flat fee, a trade for services, or on a per-
click basis.
NOTE: I prefer to pay people a big percentage of the sale -
as much as 50% - because it has the lowest risk for me as
the merchant. I only pay when a sale is made and, therefore,
I make it well worth someone's while to work with me. That's
the whole idea behind a successful affiliate program.
The quickest way to find people who can refer you traffic is
to take inventory of whom you know. Who operates a site
drawing the type of visitors you need?
For example, if you have a website that sells fishing lures,
then you want to find ezines, websites, and discussion
groups dealing with fishing rods, tackle boxes, fish hooks,
fishing trips, fishing supplies, etc.
Get the picture?
Once you have exhausted the list of people you know, go to
the search engines and do a search for the keywords that
would bring targeted traffic to your site. Make a list of
the websites that rank well in those searches and approach
those individuals with related, but non-competing sites
about a traffic deal.
To continue the above example, that means go to the search
engines and do searches for "fishing rods", "fishing trips"
and related keywords to your site to find others who already
have the traffic you need, but who don't directly compete
with you.
Try to work all your agreements on a traffic trade or per-
sale basis first so you won't have to pay any cash out of
pocket until after a sale is made.
If you don't have any traffic to trade, or they don't want
to get paid by the sale only, then you should negotiate a
per-click or per-signup deal.
Paying by the click or by the signup means you only pay when
a visitor comes to your site or signs up to receive your
newsletter or other information. With this structure you
only pay for performance and don't waste any money on
advertising that doesn't directly result in bringing
visitors to your site.
You have 3 main choices for funneling another site's traffic
to yours: endorsed mailings, pop-up windows, and link
1. Endorsed Mailings
Endorsed mailings are by far the best way to funnel traffic
from another site. A well-written endorsement letter by a
website operator who already has a relationship with people
who can buy from you is often worth its weight in gold. An
effective endorsed mailing can result in traffic, sales, and
money in your pocket within just a few hours of sending it.
2. Pop-Up Windows
Focused "pop-up" windows represent the next fastest way to
funnel traffic to your site. When used incorrectly, pop-up
windows create an annoying distraction for web surfers. Make
sure your pop-up windows are relevant to exactly what
visitors came to your site for in the first place!
My experiments have shown that a "pop-under" works best.
This is where your website pops behind the other person's
page. Go to http://www.7dayebook.com for an example. You'll
see my other ebook, "eBook Secrets Exposed," pop *under* the
7 Day eBook site.
When the visitor is finished viewing the main page and
closes it... your page is right there!
TIP: For maximum sales, make sure that your page is closely
related to the page that is referring traffic to you.
3. Link Trades
The next way to funnel traffic from other sites is using
"Reciprocal Links" - which is a fancy way of saying trading
links with someone. Make sure you negotiate a high profile
spot for your link on the other person's site.
Creativity is key when negotiating with other websites to
steer some or all of their traffic your way. Show them how
sending you traffic will make them money through affiliate
commissions, how their readers will appreciate being
introduced to new and valuable products (yours), or how you
can open a new stream of income for them by paying them a
few cents for every unique visitor they refer to you.
They win by making extra money and making their customers
happy. You win by attracting traffic to your site that is
focused and highly targeted to your offers.
Creating win-win scenarios like these will cause people to
jump at the chance to work with you and send you all the
"OPT" you can handle.
Jim Edwards & David Garfinkel are co-authors of the NEW
"eBook Secrets Exposed": How to Make MASSIVE Amounts of
Money - In Record Time - With Your Own eBook!
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our link in the resource box.
Earn 50% on every purchaser you refer.
Affiliate details are available here:
If you do use the material please send us a note
so we can take a look. Thanks.
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