пятница, мая 13, 2005

5 Things Jim Edwards Learned at the Big Seminar

Jim Edwards was one of surprises for me at the Big Seminar. I'm now going to put much closer attention to what he does and sells.

And here is a wise and nice report Jim made about the 5 things Jim learned from the Big Seminar.

As Jim says,

"So if you'd like to know:

** What John Reese taught me that has nOTHIING to do with
traffic -- but has everything to do with the secret of YOUR

** How Marlon Sanders' computer problem turned into a
thrill of a lifetime for me...

** The drastic change I need to make in my own affiliate
program if I hope to survive...

... and lots more!

Head on over to this page rght now and get your fr'ee copy
of my latest special report

=> http://www.ebookfire.com/bigseminar-report.html"

Please read it, it may open your eyes... and let you know what Jim's up to.

Yes, really. ;)


marketing Ideas, News and Thoughts