вторник, мая 17, 2005

New Game Boy coming this year

Nintendo unveiled the Game Boy Micro today, a smaller, lighter version of its most popular gaming system.
money/2005/05/17/technology/personaltech/e3_newgba/index.htm?section=cnn_tech" target="_blank">http://www.cnn.com/rssclick/money/2005/05/17/technology/personaltech/e3_newgba/index.htm?section=cnn_tech

I like it ;-)

Just got a new issue of Paul Hartunian's (the NJ man that sold the Brooklyn Bridge) newsletter, and its first phrase is:

"You're receiving this newsletter because you were smart enough to ask for a subscription."

That's posture! Much like Gary Halbert's site. not like some "Please please forgive us if you got this letter by mistake..." etc. we all used to see...


marketing Ideas, News and Thoughts

Sony unveils PlayStation 3

Sony unveiled details of its planned PlayStation 3 -- showing off a machine with enormous horsepower, stunning graphics and a slew of multimedia elements.
money/2005/05/16/technology/personaltech/e3_sony/index.htm?section=cnn_tech" target="_blank">http://www.cnn.com/rssclick/money/2005/05/16/technology/personaltech/e3_sony/index.htm?section=cnn_tech

So true

marketingsecrets.com/blog/archives/000003.html" target="_blank">How To Become Successful -- It's Simple, Be Positive

...I sometimes love-you.com" target="_blank">wonder - how many people read "think and Grow Rich" and live it?


notrivia.com/blog" target="_blank">Marketing Ideas, News and Thoughts

суббота, мая 14, 2005

Internet marketing 4 newbies blog - an amazing resource

marketing-blog/index.htm" target="_blank">Internet Marketing Blog - A Day In The Life Of An Internet Marketer

Look also at Mike's forums:

Online Advertising and Promotion Techniques
Submit Your Articles
Online Business Management
InfoProduct Creation And Marketing 101
Special Member's Only Discounts/Freebies (you can submit there your own freebies, too)
Recommended Internet Marketing Tools, Tutorials, Services, And More
Member Ads
Case Study - New Product Development

and much much more.


notrivia.com/blog" target="_blank">Marketing Ideas, News and Thoughts

Nice effort-saver

Would you ever like to talk to your computer? Just tell it what you need and your smart buddy would do it? Now you can try! ;)

There is a very nice program, Launch-n-Go. It sits in your toolbar:

- Still searching for a program in your crowded start menu?
- Is your desktop too crowded with tons of shortcuts?
- Lost in your bookmarks to open a website that you visit often?

Any notrivia.com/krblog" target="_blank">word document, any document at all, any PDF file sitting in your archives, any website, any folder can be opened this way, too. Look here for the details.

I use this program for some time now and I'm very pleased with it. Just one thing was missing: the possibility to give parameters to programs launched by Launch-n-Go. Today they announced they've added this feature, too.

Try it - it has a free trial for 30 days, and even when you need to pay - it's now only $12.95. You won't believe it! ;)


marketing Ideas, News and Thoughts

Closely-Guarded Secret Free Traffic Weapons

"Get Spidered by Google in Less Than A Week" - a course by Tinu Abayomi-Paul, a master I truly admire. If you order today, you'll also get her "marketing with RSS book" - for free.

"You could have a page rank so high that other site owners throw money at your feet, just to link to them.

You'll be able to call the Google spider on demand, over and over, and get your page ranked better for the keynotrivia.com/krblog" target="_blank">words you need.

It happened to me, and it could quickly happen to you, if you order now."

Impressive, huh? ;)

P.S. It's not an affiliate link. And Tinu didn't ask me to recommend this to you. And applying what you learn there, you may become more dangerous competitors to me. So, why am I recommending it here?...
I guess, I just care for you. ;)


Marketing Ideas, News and Thoughts

Keyword Research Optimized - a free tool for you

I own my copy of Traffic Secrets, the famous course by John Reese.

After watching John's video tutorial on keynotrivia.com/krblog" target="_blank">word research and seeing how much importance he puts into it, I started to think how much time it will take - to gather the keywords from all these sources, and I (as a programmer) couldn't bear the thought of it. ;)

The matter is that when you copy the keywords from all these sources, you get also many unneeded symbols (if you want to copy many keywords at once) - numbers in Overture, '>>' in Altavista etc.

So, I wrote a tool that will clean the keywords, when you copy them from all the sources John was talking about, and also some of the other I knew before, and put it on a web page here:

Keyword Research Optimized

It's free for all to use, and it'll save you a lot of time. I initially wrote it for myself, but then thought it's too good not to share. :)

[Only one remark - the script works now only in Internet Explorer. I probably will make adjustments to it later, but now it's restricted to IE.]

I organized it as a blog, so the RSS feed with updates is available.
I told there what (great) software I use to make the keyword research quick and efficient, what new keyword research tools I found etc.

So - please use it. I know it will save you lots of your time.
And tell me what you think.


marketing Ideas, News and Thoughts

An exciting book cover for the book about Law

Don't think it's possible?

marketingstudies.net/blogs/diary/archive/000144.html" target="_blank">Look here. ;)

By the way, I especially love one phrase by Harvey Mackay's: "Make second effort your second nature". I think it's one of the keys to success in anything. What do you say?


notrivia.com/blog" target="_blank">Marketing Ideas, News and Thoughts

Free eCourse on Google AdWords

Great free eCourse on Google Adnotrivia.com/krblog" target="_blank">words by Perry Marshall.

Highly recommended.


marketing Ideas, News and Thoughts

How many faces do you see here?

Let's see how perceptive you are. ;)
Here what their test says:

"If you see here 6 faces, you've got the average perception abilities;

If you see 7 faces, you are already different from many others;

If you see 8 faces, you are a VERY perceptive person;

And if you've found 9 of them, it means, you're amazingly perceptive, your intuition is highly developed and you're a very creative person. Your perception is comparable to one of Sherlock Holmes'!"

I guess, this is somehow the same as we look for the opportunities. ;) What it was that John Kehoe said?

"There are staggering opportunities out there. But in order to see them, you must open your eyes. not your regular eyes - your opportunity eyes."

I found 11. ;))


marketing Ideas, News and Thoughts

Your Prospect's Brain Wants Multimedia...

Accordingly to Lonnie Amirault,

your prospect's brain retains:

  • 14% of what you read,

  • 17% of what you read out loud,

  • 26% of what you hear,

  • 40% of what you read and hear,

  • 60% of what you see and hear,

  • 75% of what you read, see and hear,

  • 90% of what you read, see, hear and DO.

Now, how are you going to use this information in your marketing?


notrivia.com/blog" target="_blank">Marketing Ideas, News and Thoughts

A Little-Known Secret of Master Closers

Accordingly to Gary Bencivenga, it's this simple question:

What are we really selling?

"For example:

You are not selling grass seed. You are selling a greener lawn.

You are not selling boilers and BTUs. You are selling warmer, cozier winter nights at a 27% fuel savings.

You are not selling baseball tickets. You are selling memories of sunny afternoons that a father and his children will cherish forever.

Back in 1781, Samuel Johnson understood this well. When he was appointed to auction off the Henry Thrale brewery, he announced, "We are not here to sell a parcel of boilers and vats, but the potentiality of growing rich beyond the dreams of avarice."

Perhaps lipstick king Charles Revson said it best: "In the factory we make cosmetics. In the store we sell hope."

You get the idea."

Beautiful, isn't it? It's from Gary Bencivenga's Bullets.


marketing Ideas, News and Thoughts

The One Hypnotic Command That Always Works

The One Hypnotic Command That Always Works - can you guess what could it be? ;)


marketing Ideas, News and Thoughts

пятница, мая 13, 2005

My new RSS Submission Service

I'm proud to announce my newly-launched RSS Submission Service.

Check it out. I think you'll anyway find there some valuable information.
Please tell me what you think.


notrivia.com/blog" target="_blank">marketing Ideas, News and Thoughts

Ideas with Gift Certificates

I'm playing now with gift certificates ideas for the newly launched RSS Submission Service.

Let's say the potential customer's name is Sergey. (Or Larry... ;))

I think to do it like this:

- when he orders a one-time service, he gets one gift certificate (with discount to my service), which he can give as a gift to his friend, collegue or a potential JV partner;

- this gift certificate must be deemed within two weeks (or shall I make it a month?). If it's deemed in time, a new certificate is given, also to two weeks, etc. If it's not deemed, the only way to get a new gift certificate is to order the service again (for another blog and feed);

- I'll also give the certificates on birthdays;

- and I'll also give discount to recurring customers.

What do you think? When Rok Hrastnik told me "You really are a genius,", he wasn't kidding, huh? ;)


marketing Ideas, News and Thoughts

$0 on Gary Halbert's protege's course

Jason J.Cox, that has a course on JV deals, that was endorsed by Garry Halbert, now offers to drive his course for $0 for 60 days.

And if you don't cancel by then, only then you'll be billed $327.

I have Jason's course and I like it, and I think you could find there some beautiful ideas, too.

So, you can do yourself a favor and notrivia.com/howtobrokerJVdeals" target="_blank">check it now.


marketing Ideas, News and Thoughts

One More Idea on Gift Certificates

I think to make group gift certificates as well.

And it will work like this:

the discount will depend on the number of people in the group, so that every member in the group will be openly interested in attracting more people to their group.

How is that?


notrivia.com/blog" target="_blank">marketing Ideas, News and Thoughts

What a Nice Way to Speak on a Website!

Just went to Corey Rudl's website, to check there something, and saw this nicest video presentation Corey and Jermaine are giving there, live, as if living on that webpage!

Check it here!

On The System Seminar this year people talked about sitepal.com, but this looks so much better! ;)


notrivia.com/blog" target="_blank">marketing Ideas, News and Thoughts

Instead of Alexa

Someone recommended me to use ranking.com. And indeed, they have some interesting features.

It still, the same as Alexa, provides approximate data. But some people say, it gives also numbers to check it, and Alexa gives only the results. So, it's yours to check. ;)


notrivia.com/blog" target="_blank">marketing Ideas, News and Thoughts

Good article: PR3 to PR7

10 tips on how to ask outside websites for links, by someone who went from PR3 to PR7 with this practice.

Interesting, this strategy should work even more with the new strategy that I explain here: Why reciprocal linking is going down and what's coming instead.


notrivia.com/blog" target="_blank">marketing Ideas, News and Thoughts

The Absolutely New Way of Marketing

It finally happened - Yahoo is out of its Beta version. Why would I say that it provides now an absolutely new way of marketing?

You'll see in a second.

How would you like to see all the latest news by the biggest marketing stars like John Reese, Perry Marshall, John Carlton, Gary Halbert, Jim Edwards, and many others - all on one page?

You could place this page on your desktop (not as a shortcut - but in the full size!).

You could access this page with your mobile phone or from anywhere in the web.

It would be a page fully customized to your own interests.

No spamming - ever, you could choose by yourself what marketers' news you want to include there, and if you don't like something - one click and it goes away.

Just turn on your computer and immediately see the latest tips/news on Adwords by Perry Marshall, or wise marketing tips by Jim Edwards, or copywriting tips by Brian Keith Voiles, or whatever you'd like to be updated on!

Do you see what it means? Every big marketer will fight for such real estate on your such page. It means the level of the content will go up, and the ratio between the content and the promotions will be chosen very carefully.

Now do you think it's all just a fairy tale? ;)

No, not at all. That's just what Yahoo did for us. Look at my My Yahoo! page.

Find out more about this new possibility.

Now the only thing to do is to make sure the big masters know about it. Let's spread the word. ;)

If they don't know how to start their RSS feeds, you may refer them to my this service:

RSS Submission Service - learn how to start your own RSS feed in the next 10 minutes for free.

We'll all win.


Marketing Ideas, News and Thoughts

5 Things Jim Edwards Learned at the Big Seminar

Jim Edwards was one of surprises for me at the Big Seminar. I'm now going to put much closer attention to what he does and sells.

And here is a wise and nice report Jim made about the 5 things Jim learned from the Big Seminar.

As Jim says,

"So if you'd like to know:

** What John Reese taught me that has nOTHIING to do with
traffic -- but has everything to do with the secret of YOUR

** How Marlon Sanders' computer problem turned into a
thrill of a lifetime for me...

** The drastic change I need to make in my own affiliate
program if I hope to survive...

... and lots more!

Head on over to this page rght now and get your fr'ee copy
of my latest special report

=> http://www.ebookfire.com/bigseminar-report.html"

Please read it, it may open your eyes... and let you know what Jim's up to.

Yes, really. ;)


marketing Ideas, News and Thoughts

A Marketing Secret That Was Used by both Mother Theresa and P.T. Barnum

Intrigued? Read it here:
A marketing Secret That Was Used by both Mother Theresa and P.T. Barnum.

These letters from Ben Settle will probably always contain something you've never thought of.

Pay attention to this, for example:

"Here’s my point: The reason we procrastinate on important things that could actually help us live better, fuller and happier lives is not because we’re necessarily a bunch of morons. No, the real reason is quite simply because…

- Nobody - Properly Sold Us
On Taking Care Of These Things!

Do you understand what this means? It means if you have a quality product or service that'll genuinely help somebody then you owe it to your prospects, customers and clients to tell them about it. Even if you have to be a predator in order to get the job done.

End of sermon."


Marketing Ideas, News and Thoughts

Blogs as American Marketing Association's Hot Topic

"Event Description

Blogs: marketing Beyond the Website is an important one-day workshop designed to help marketers understand blogs and their marketing implications. Industry leaders will share their experiences with you on what makes a successful blog. You'll leave with a wealth of information and specific techniques that will help you cross the chasm in incorporating this innovative Internet-based strategy into your organization's marketing plan."

American Marketing Association Hot Topic Series - Blogs: Marketing Beyond the Website


notrivia.com/blog" target="_blank">Marketing Ideas, News and Thoughts

Do you know you can post to Blogger by email?

And this is a test.

I'd like to see if this Google
will work.

If all these tags work, you could see, that you can even send HTML

Very convenient.


notrivia.com/blog" target="_blank">marketing Ideas, News and Thoughts

Bad Ads vs. Good Ads - Adjectives or Verbs?

"Only a few minutes ago, Alex Mandossian finished his
segment on writing copy. He talked about verbs
vs. adjectives.

Verbs are good.

Adjectives are bad.

A famous Leo Burnett Agency study revealed that
24.1% of the notrivia.com/krblog" target="_blank">words that appeared in 62 failing ads
were adjectives."

Excerpt from Perry Marshall's Travelogue.

Look at Paul Colligan's X10 Weblog - he brings in there many important points from this X10 Seminar, including lessons from Perry Marshall, Ken Giddens, and many others.


marketing Ideas, News and Thoughts

Brilliant Strategy to Plan Your Own Product

Sometimes we find real gems by the way of surfing for something else.

One of such unexpected diamonds awaited here:

Tourism Brochures To Boost Business.

Some no-pitching, but absolutely for sure having a lot of knowledge, marketers share their recommendations on how to create tourism brochures that will work.

You'll find there general strategies, key points you should think about before, copywriting gems etc. etc.

Try to apply it as if it were a strategy to start your own product, and I'm sure you'll find it as much an eye-opener as I do.


notrivia.com/blog" target="_blank">marketing Ideas, News and Thoughts

The real reason for procrastination and more, by Jim Edwards and Stephen Pierce

Just got this absolutely fabulous teleseminar recording, by Jim Edwards and Stephen Pierce, "How To Make 2005 Your notrivia.com/soulblog" target="_blank">bEST Year EVER!". Listen to it, it's free, yet it contains such a valuable information. You know, John-Reese-kind of a teleseminar, with very little to no fluff, and the real hard-earned knowledge.

You'll know:
- the real reason behind the procrastination and how to get through it (I couldn't agree with Jim more on it!),
- how to find 10 hours a week more, no matter how busy you are - and these hours will be the hours when you'll get the most done,
- how to rise above competition in any market: what to think of when you're thinking to join the market, avoid the mistake many people make,
- why traditional "Goal Setting" does NOT work,
- and much much more.

My remarks:
- I'd recommend "Happy Pocket Full of money" by David Cameron, I got it as a part of Wealth Beyond Reason program,
- to get more activity hours, look at Powerful Sleep Course,
- when you are all excited about the new project, first sit and see to it that you're sure you can do it (think of your past successes etc.). And then not to go and do something stupid ;) but to make a plan of things that need to be done: first just the big things and then write them more in details,
- when you come to that golden hour of the things mechanically done, always have a plan for such an hour before you even start doing anything,
- sometimes the best creativity hour is in the middle of the night - perhaps because our concious mind is half-asleep and the subconcious mind, having all the keys to all the Universe, is easier to reach.

It works this way: you're getting up at 4-4:30 AM, sit on some couch and visualize, what you feel when your goal is reached. "Live" yourself into that situation. And then start to look around (in that goal-reached environment): what's happening and what brought you to it. Have a pen and a paper with you, and write down what you think of. Some of the best ideas may come to you this way. Write them all down. And then, when you feel your head is empty, go to your bed, and continue to sleep.

I know, this technique sounds a little crazy, but we've done crazier things, haven't we? ;)

"Happy Pocket" I'm reading for a while now, and for me it's the best book on how to get what you want I've ever seen, and with "Powerful Sleep" - I'll study it soon and then I'll tell you all about my own experience with it. But I've seen some appraisals to this course, convincing enough, at Mind Power News.


marketing Ideas, News and Thoughts

Marketing Christmas Gifts

Hey, it's gifts time! ;)

Here are some of gifts lists I got:


On 117 gifts page (the link is broken on the 117gifts main page), I liked 3 Minute Headline Creator, Add2it PostIt Pro, Ultimate marketing Forums List and some others. Several reports and videos on blogging and RSS are available. If you haven't read the famous 'think and Grow Rich', you can find it there as well.

Hurry, some of them are open only until January 1st.
Happy holidays!


notrivia.com/blog" target="_blank">Marketing Ideas, News and Thoughts

Something to Think about at New Year's Eve

Dear friends,

Before 2004 becomes a distant memory, I'd like to wish you every luck and happiness in the world. And here is something I'd like you to think about (it came one day with tut.com's notes from the Universe):

"What if loneliness was simply a feeling of impatience, telepathically sent to you by friends you've yet to meet, urging you to go out more, do more, and get involved, so that life's serendipities could bring you together... Would you still feel alone?

What if illness was just the signal a healthy body sent to urge clarification of your thoughts, feelings and dreams... Would you still, at times, think of yours as diseased?

What if feelings of uncertain and confusion were only reminders that you have options, that there's no hurry, and that everything is as it should be... Would you still then feel disadvantaged?

What if mistakes and failures only ever happened when your life was about to get even better than it's ever been before... Would you still call them mistakes and failures?

And what if poverty and lack were simply demonstrations of your manifesting prowess, as "difficult" to acquire as wealth and abundance... Would they still cause you to feel powerless?"

I wish you all the wealth you've ever dreamed of, an absolutely unreasonable success and to be free and happy.

Happy New Year!


marketing Ideas, News and Thoughts

Donations to Asian Victims

Here are some places where the donations are accepted:

http://www.worldvision.org (International Donations)
http://www.unicef.com (International Donations)
http://www.redcross.ca (Canadian Donations)
http://www.redcross.com (USA Donations)

Thanks to Henry Gold & Ian Herculson for these resources.


notrivia.com/blog" target="_blank">marketing Ideas, News and Thoughts

Hard to Publish Regularly? I Might Have a Solution For You

Search engines and directories (and the visitors as well) want you to update your blog often enough. And you'd like to, but the time... and the mood...

And together with this, you have your websites with valuable content that you'd love to blog about. But then again, the time and the mood... ;)

If you're worried you might not be posting regularly and often enough, you may soon have a solution to this: we're working on a software tool that will make it possible for you to make a lot of posts once, and then they will be published on schedule later, pinging Ping-O-Matic, MyYahoo etc. The posts may also be taken from your current site pages or other sources. It can then work well together with Jay Jennings' Sonic Page Blaster, for example. It will be announced here, in my marketing blog, soon.

And for now, you'll see here some test messages - please bear with me, it's just me testing my script. You'll be the first to hear about it.


Marketing Ideas, News and Thoughts

The One Hypnotic Command That Always Works

by noticLibrary.com/g.o/notrivia" target="_blank">Joe Vitale

I learned about the one hypnotic command that always works from hypnotists. A good hypnotist will never give a subject a choice or offer a list of "reasons why you should fall asleep right now."

Instead, a good hypnotist will simply issue a command, "When I count to three, you will close your eyes," or, "When I snap my fingers, you will bark like a dog." The subject responds because they want to please the hypnotist and because they don't have much of a choice.

Your prospects are nearly the same. Give them too many "reasons why you should buy" and you risk boring them, overwhelming them, or irking them. Give them the "one hypnotic command that always works" and they will do your bidding.


A marketing secret that was used by both Mother Theresa and P.T. Barnum

- -

by Ben Settle ,
from his (very valuable) newsletter


- - - -
Dear Friend,

If you'd like to see a nifty little way to sell your products and services to cold prospects, then I think this particular newsletter is going to be of tremendous value to you.

- Listen carefully. Nobody -- especially people who haven't the foggiest idea who you are -- wants to be “sold” anything.

On the other hand...we all love to buy stuff. (Especially my wife. She's a master at buying stuff) Because buying is fun and easy.

But for most people being sold on something -- even something they know they need -- tota...

Site Map

Tip: when submitting your site to search engines, look at their submission policies. Yahoo and Google now prefer that you submit only your main page and let their spiders find the rest of your web site.

To help those engines to easily find every page of your site, create a site map and put a link to it on your main page.

  • Learn the Ropes of Building a Successful Business
  • Find Your Market, Drop Ship, Business Plan, Many Great Ideas
  • Get a...

  • Add a Link

    Read here, why reciprocal linking is going down now and what's coming instead. I'll be glad to accept your suggestions!

    You'll read there also what's happening now to PageRank and why some webmasters still rely on a myth. Have you known that?

    See you there,

    Your name:http://start-successful-business-online-in-48-hours.com/add-a-link.htm

    NoTrivia Direct Newsletter Archives

    "Teachers open the door, but you must enter by yourself."
    -- Proverb

    Read and subscribe
    (this is only an online part of the newsletter. More information, you know,... small diamonds of information, ideas, opportunities, coming up here and there... - will reside in the email folders of my subscribers. If you think you deserve to be one of them ;-) - subscribe you, too.)

    Cute Quotes

    "It's kind of fun to do the impossible."
    -- Walt Disney

    "To fulfill a dream, to be allowed to sweat over lonely labor, to be given a chance to create, is the meat and potatoes of life. The money is the gravy."
    -- Bette Davis

    "Money can't buy you happiness, but it does bring you a more pleasant form of misery."
    -- Spike Milligan

    " It is not God's will merely that we should be happy, but that we should make ourselves happy."
    -- Immanuel Kant

    "A smile is the lighting system of the face, the cooling system of the head and the heating system of the heart. "
    -- Unknown


    Whom to Learn From

    "The notrivia.com/soulblog" target="_blank">best products that will do the most for you are those that actually teach you how to think for yourself."
    -- Terry Dean

    Courses, books, manuals to teach you

    Want to know what these courses/books contain? Now you can! Most of them offer 2 free chapters to see.

    I like to go to these websites for one more reason: most of them were created by Mark Joyner, and his style and spirit are still there.
    Hint: when you see the site is provided by two people (and Mark's name not even there), but in the (amazingly sharp) salescopy you see "I promise," "I understand," etc. ... in most cases it was him, the BIG master.

    And if you still weren't here, I truly recommend you to try this course. You'll learn to THINK right.

    Btw, just know that Mark's salesc...

    Make Money Resources

    Read here, why reciprocal linking is going down now and what's coming instead. I'll be glad to accept your suggestions!

    You'll read there also what's happening now to PageRank and why some webmasters still rely on a myth. Have you known that?

    See you there,

    money-online-at-home.us" target="_blank">Make Money Online - Make Money at Home - Make Money on the Internet - Money making opportunities


    Work at Home Resources

    Read here, why reciprocal linking is going down now and what's coming instead. I'll be glad to accept your suggestions!

    You'll read there also what's happening now to PageRank and why some webmasters still rely on a myth. Have you known that?

    See you there,

    Work at Home Business Opportunity - Make money online - Make money and earn a living online.

    notrivia.com/soulblog" target="_blank">best work at home based opportunities - Make money online

    « previous next »

    Home Business Resources

    Read here, why reciprocal linking is going down now and what's coming instead. I'll be glad to accept your suggestions!

    You'll read there also what's happening now to PageRank and why some webmasters still rely on a myth. Have you known that?

    See you there,

    Starting a Home Business: Work at Home Ideas from HomeBizTools.com - Home business and small business training and ideas site to help you start, grow, and expand a home based business or search for the work at home job right for you.

    Free work at home opportunities - Resources, articles and tips on how to select the real free work at home opportunities amongst the thousands of scams.


    Internet Resources

    Read here, why reciprocal linking is going down now and what's coming instead. I'll be glad to accept your suggestions!

    You'll read there also what's happening now to PageRank and why some webmasters still rely on a myth. Have you known that?

    See you there,

    NicheBot.com - "Search For What People Are Searching For"

    Get More Web Site Traffic by Finding Keynotrivia.com/krblog" target="_blank">words and Phrases People Actually Type Into the Google Search Engine

    Search Engine Optimization - Search engine optimization, Search Engine Placement by SEO Inc. Search Engine Positioning, Search Engine Placement and vital web site marketing

    Team Building Activities - Buildi...

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    Our contest

    Our team is continuously searching the marketplace for new products in connection with our marketing programs. This is not a lottery, but a worldwide search for products. We invest a lot of time and efforts in the search, and we are willing to pay a "reward" to individuals who provide us with a recommendation for a product that will produce the most sales to visitors to our web site. There is no limit on the number of recommendations that can be submitted, but the company that is selling the product must have an affiliate program for the product.

    [An affiliate program (an associate program) is simply a "no-risk" partnership that allows you to promote another company's product or service on your web site to earn a percentage of their sales.]

    All the statistics of actual purchases made by our visitors will be performed by these affiliate programs, and the product that will bring the most profits to us from these affiliate programs...

    четверг, мая 12, 2005

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    message from dll, posted via HTTPS

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    message from dll, posted via HTTPS

    message from dll, posted via HTTPS

    Tell a Friend What Useful Site You Found ;-)

    Your name:
    Your e-mail address:
    Your friend's e-mail address:http://start-successful-business-online-in-48-hours.com/tell-a-friend-what-useful-site-you-found.htm

    Why Current Economic Conditions Are Best for Starting a Business

    by Rob Spiegel

    Have you been thinking about launching a company? Or perhaps you're considering an expansion of your existing business. Finally, current economic conditions are conspiring to offer you the best environment for a business startup. Current conditions are as favorable for startups as any time we've seen since late 1982, the year we were just beginning to emerge from a deep and prolonged recession and enter a 20-year expansion that was interrupted only briefly in 1991.

    Our present environment looks even better than 1982, as interest rates are lower, and the job losses during our recent downturn were not nearly as devastating as 1982, when the jobless rate hit 10.8 percent in October, a dreary number that still holds the post-Depression record for unemployment. More people are employed now and their paychecks...

    Smile ;-)

    "A smile is the lighting system of the face, the cooling system of the head and the heating system of the heart."
    -- Unknown

    Let's have a fun ;-)

    Inspirational Quotes

    "Keep away from people who try to belittle your ambitions. Small people always do that, but the really great ones make you feel that you too, can become great."
    -- Mark Twain

    And here the course can be very helpful, too!

    We all are just human, aren't we? We can be very enthusiastic one day, but on the next day the old doubts are starting to take over, and the fear of failure tells us to stop trying.

    Wouldn't it be wonderful, if we had someone who could just take us by hand and tell us step by step what to do, because he already did what we want to do and succeeded?

    Wouldn't it be wonderful, if someone was encouraging us day by day, guiding us to our success?

    Especially when that someone knows what to do – not theoretically, but from his own experience?

    Well, that's one more r...

    And this is a new message to be pulbished immediately

    Vse-taki kakie my molodtzy, prosto chudo!

    Daj Bog taki vypustim na etoj nedele ;-)

    Marketing Ideas, News and Thoughts

    A new test to be published now

    Text of this post should appear immediately.

    I'd like to see it therein 2 minutes.

    Marketing Ideas, News and Thoughts

    Here is a new test message title

    It's to be published immediately.

    We're the champions! ;-)

    Marketing Ideas, News and Thoughts

    Here is a new test message title

    It's to be published immediately.

    We're the champions! ;-)

    Marketing Ideas, News and Thoughts

    Here is a new test message title

    It's to be published immediately.

    We're the champions! ;-)

    Marketing Ideas, News and Thoughts

    Here is a new test message title

    It's to be published immediately.

    We're the champions! ;-)

    Marketing Ideas, News and Thoughts

    Devices detect caches of cash

    Read full story for latest details.

    A new test to be published now

    Text of this post should appear immediately.

    I'd like to see it therein 2 minutes.

    Marketing Ideas, News and Thoughts

    среда, мая 11, 2005

    Documents You Might Need

    "Letters are expectation packaged in an envelope."
    -- Shana Alexander

    Some documents you might need

    • Non-disclosure (confidentiality) agreement
      you can use this contract when disclosing your ideas to potential joint venture partners or investors to prevent people from stealing and using your ideas without compensating you. This document you get as a part of the course, too.

    Other documents you get with the course

    Business Opportunities and Nice Ideas of Making Money

    "Opportunity is missed by most people because it comes dressed in overalls and looks like work."
    -- Thomas Edison

    Some ideas that may be worth your attention

    • Submit an idea of software
      and get 10% of the net profits from the software -- from Sumantra Roy. It may be even an idea of improving on some existing software programs.

    "To succeed, jump as quickly at opportunities as you do at conclusions."
    -- Benjamin Franklin


    Time Management: How You Can Manage It All

    "Until we can manage TIME, we can manage nothing else."
    -- Peter F. Drucker

    Relevant information that you'll find in the course

    • how to automate almost anything so that it would take much less time to manage your business
    • so detailed description of anything you should do, that it will spare you a lot of hours you'd be trying to find that information or to figure it out yourself
    • and of course it will spare you time for all the testing on effectiveness that Corey has done himself

    Important details in the http://start-successful-business-online-in-48-hours.com/time-management.htm

    Featured Articles

    "Teachers open the door, but you must enter by yourself."
    -- Proverb

    Let's listen to the masters
    (but remember: "The only guru you should listen to without question is your bank account." -- Mark Joyner)

    Email/Web Site Promotion Software, Free Spam Blocker, More...

    Join our contest!  All you need to do is:

    1. Think of a software tool you're passionate about;
    2. Submit the suggestion here;
    3. If your suggestion creates the most sales, you get the software or its money value.
    Get paid for your knowledge and earn some money to buy the software you need.
    Click here for the details...


    What All Successful Businesses Have in Common

    "Although your company is highly profitable, I wouldn't be much of a consultant if I didn't recommend changes."
    -- Dogbert from Dilbert written by Scott Adams

    Relevant information that you'll find in the course

    • how to increase your sales with testing
    • how to track your success through statistics
    • how to survey your customers and subscribers

    Important details in the course

    Autoresponders: Make Money Where You Think You Couldn't

    "You can't pick cherries with your back to the tree."
    -- John Pierpont Morgan

    Relevant information that you'll find in the course

    вторник, мая 10, 2005

    Promote Your Web Site: Boost Your Sales With Email Promotions

    "The human body has two ears and one mouth. To be good at persuading or selling, you must learn to use those natural devices in proportion. Listen twice as much as you talk and you'll succeed in persuading others nearly every time."
    -- Tom Hopkins

    Relevant information that you'll find in the course

    Accept Credit Cards on Your Site, Other Payment Options

    "If you don't want to work, you have to work to earn enough money so that you won't have to work."
    -- Ogden Nash

    Relevant information that you'll find in the course

    • how to accept credit cards
    • how to accept payments offline
    • how to accept international orders
    • how to choose the shopping cart that can potentially double your sales
    • how to implement different delivering options
    • common frauds to be aware of - how to protect your business
    • how to overcome your visitors' reliability concerns
    • http://start-successful-business-online-in-48-hours.com/take-orders-online.htm

    Find a Cheap Traffic: Linking Strategy:Classifieds:Media Exposure

    "You can make more friends in two months by becoming interested in other people than you can in two years by trying to get other people interested in you."
    -- Dale Carnegie

    Relevant information that you'll find in the course

    Search Engines: Get The Top Ranking For Your Keywords

    "I know half the money I spend on advertising is wasted, but I can never find out which half."
    -- John Wanamaker

    Good news

    In addition to what I said here, check these free resources (even when these are paid products, they usually have a free trial):

    Report: Government computers hacked

    The FBI confirmed Tuesday the accuracy of a New York Times report that software on routers, computers that control the Internet, were compromised last year by a hacker who claimed that he had infiltrated systems serving U.S. military installations, research laboratories, and NASA.

    Collecting Email Addresses, What Is Spam, Html Email Software

    New!  Now you don't need those expensive e-mail programs right away, you can start small and grow, but still have the advanced e-mail capabilities like:

    Run multiple newsletters
    DOUBLE your opt-in subscriptions
    Automate your e-mail chores
    Ensure that your e-mails are not mistaken for SPAM
    Secure your data

    Web Design: Even Not Knowing Html, Build a Site That Sells

    "For the things we have to learn before we can do them, we learn by doing them."
    -- Aristotle

    Good news

    Now you don't need fancy expensive graphics for your site. Actually, you may even get more sales without them! Surprised? Read more about it here.

    Relevant information that you'll find in the course

    Get a Memorable Domain Name and Find Perfect Web Hosting

    "The right name is an advertisement in itself."
    -- Claude Hopkins

    Relevant information that you'll find in the course

    • how to choose and register your domain name
    • how to carefully choose the web host

    Important details in the course

    Find Your Market, Drop Ship, Business Plan, Many Great Ideas

    "Ideas can be life-changing. Sometimes all you need is just one more good idea."
    -- Jim Rohn

    Relevant information that you'll find in the course

    • how to choose a business that will be the most successful for you
    • how to choose a product that people want (much easier to sell)
    • how to do market research
    • how to choose the appropriate business model (so that you start out with the highest income possible)
    • how to write a business plan to guide your success -
      even if you're startled by the words ;)
    • how...

    Report: Government computers hacked

    The FBI confirmed Tuesday the accuracy of a New York Times report that software on routers, computers that control the Internet, were compromised last year by a hacker who claimed that he had infiltrated systems serving U.S. military installations, research laboratories, and NASA.

    Affiliate Bootcamp




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    click here




    Hard to Publish Regularly? I Might Have a Solution For You

    Search engines and directories (and the visitors as well) want you to update your blog often enough. And you'd like to, but the time... and the mood...

    And together with this, you have your websites with valuable content that you'd love to blog about. But then again, the time and the mood... ;)

    If you're worried you might not be posting regularly and often enough, you may soon have a solution to this: we're working on a software tool that will make it possible for you to make a lot of posts once, and then they will be published on schedule later, pinging Ping-O-Matic, MyYahoo etc. The posts may also be taken from your current site pages or other sources. It can then work well together with Jay Jennings' Sonic Page Blaster, for example. It will be announced here, in my marketing blog, soon.

    And for now, you'll see here some test messages - please bear with me, it's just me testing my script. You'll be the first to hear about it.


    Marketing Ideas, News and Thoughts

    Something to Think about at New Year's Eve

    Dear friends,

    Before 2004 becomes a distant memory, I'd like to wish you every luck and happiness in the world. And here is something I'd like you to think about (it came one day with tut.com's Notes from the Universe):

    "What if loneliness was simply a feeling of impatience, telepathically sent to you by friends you've yet to meet, urging you to go out more, do more, and get involved, so that life's serendipities could bring you together... Would you still feel alone?

    What if illness was just the signal a healthy body sent to urge clarification of your thoughts, feelings and dreams... Would you still, at times, think of yours as diseased?

    What if feelings of uncertain and confusion were only reminders that you have options, that there's no hurry, and that everything is as it should be... Would you still then feel disadvantaged?

    What if mistakes and failures only ever happened when your life was about to get even better than it's ever been before... Would you still call them mistakes and failures?

    And what if poverty and lack were simply demonstrations of your manifesting prowess, as "difficult" to acquire as wealth and abundance... Would they still cause you to feel powerless?"

    I wish you all the wealth you've ever dreamed of, an absolutely unreasonable success and to be free and happy.

    Happy New Year!


    Marketing Ideas, News and Thoughts

    Brilliant Strategy to Plan Your Own Product

    Sometimes we find real gems by the way of surfing for something else.

    One of such unexpected diamonds awaited here:

    Tourism Brochures To Boost Business.

    Some no-pitching, but absolutely for sure having a lot of knowledge, marketers share their recommendations on how to create tourism brochures that will work.

    You'll find there general strategies, key points you should think about before, copywriting gems etc. etc.

    Try to apply it as if it were a strategy to start your own product, and I'm sure you'll find it as much an eye-opener as I do.


    Marketing Ideas, News and Thoughts

    Report: Government computers hacked

    The FBI confirmed Tuesday the accuracy of a New York Times report that software on routers, computers that control the Internet, were compromised last year by a hacker who claimed that he had infiltrated systems serving U.S. military installations, research laboratories, and NASA.